
12 Interesting Facts about Smoking


9. The Addiction Which Freud Couldn’t Kick

The Addiction Which Freud Couldn’t Kick

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Sigmund Freud – the eminent father of psychoanalysis – believed that man was driven by the two subconscious drives of sex and aggression. Unfortunately, never quit smoking despite having over 30 cancer surgeries due to his habit. He died at the age of 83 and it may very well be that tobacco has robbed the world of a few more years of the genius’ observations and insights into human nature.

10. Young Boys and Cigarettes

Young Boys and Cigarettes

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Historically, it was not uncommon for boys to start smoking at a very young age. While this may sound scandalously shocking, by modern standards, this was common and accepted practice in the past. As a matter of fact, the second president of the United States, John Adams is thought to have started smoking at the astoundingly tender age of eight.

11. Prematurely Grey and Bald

Prematurely Grey and Bald

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Here’s another odd fact about smoking – it has been found to turn hair grey prematurely. According to a study in the journal Science News, smokers are 4 times more likely than non-smokers to have grey hair, regardless of age. Smoke seems to cause free-radical damage, which destroys the colour of the hair follicle. Even worse, the study also linked smoking to hair loss.

12. Wrinkles and Sagging Breasts

Wrinkles and Sagging Breasts

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If the health issues, grey hair and balding weren’t enough to make you rethink smoking, there are other more aesthetic considerations to be made. Smoking not only increases wrinkles and fine lines, but it also makes breasts sag faster than normal. This is due to the fact that smoking breaks down a protein in the skin called Elastin, which is what gives youthful skin its elastic appearance and also supports the breast.

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